Akash Soti

January 14, 2013 | 0 Minute Read

Punchh website redesign

A design overhaul

Business Brief

Establish brand presence and make it easier for the users to understand what Punchh can do for their business

Make life easier for the users. Users already have so much to handle when they enter in a restaurant. Punchh app should be built in a way so that the most essential things, punching and redeeming restaurant cards is fast and straight forward.

My role

I started out by studying the existing website to identify areas for improvement. Being a designer at punchh I knew the most important selling points of punchh and how the system works. I started off by creating wireframes and sketches, took feedback at regular intervals from the stakeholders and later on handcode the entire thing into a reponsive website.

I used HAML, SASS and Ruby on Rails to make my code DRY, readable and easy for collaboration.

Understand, explore, articulate, repeat

more coming soon...